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and career you've always wanted.

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powerful Tools
(totally free.)

G.R.O.W. Guide
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This is the framework that certified coaches use to guide their clients. 


If you're feeling stuck, try using this to coach yourself to achieve your goals! 


today, To-Do, To-done List
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I used to get depressed at the end of a busy day when I hadn't completed my "To-do" I made this to help me shift my mindset. Try it!  


Ready for more? Scroll down, or click a button below.

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What people are saying....

I was struggling to navigate a very toxic work environment with unhealthy leadership. I felt paralyzed in my decision making. Shelly gave me a judgement-free space to share all that was happening. She skillfully asked questions and gently challenged me which allowed me to gain the clarity I needed.  I am now thriving at my new company.

Her coaching was a godsend.

NJ, Program Administrator, California

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The Bookshelf: A wealth of wisdom

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Recommended reads straight from my bookshelf to help you
move in the direction you want to go in your life or career.

They helped me...they can help you, too. Like a coach, but in book form.
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This one is my Bible.  Like it totally changed my life. Jen has already sifted through all the self-helpery and condensed a process for you.  I recommend listening to her on audible.  She won a well-deserved fancy award for her witty narration. 


"Never apologize for who you are.

It lets the whole world down."

Jen Sincero

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Lovely to listen to AND read, as Pooja takes you on a journey of what it means to not only take care of yourself, but find yourself and believe in yourself. Her real-life story, client examples, and do-able activities got me thinking in ways I had never thought before. 


"You'll know you're practicing real self-care when  you feel like your outsides are matching your insides."

Pooja Lakshmin, MD 

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This has been touted the king of self-coaching books by many as it's all about life's journey. It's a fable-like story not a traditional self-help style book, entertaining and super deep. 


"Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure." 

Paulo Coelho


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My favorite from the vulnerability goddess. If you're struggling with some tough stuff, this will help keep you going.  (Look for her TedTalk in the video section below.)


And remember, as change happens..."the middle is messy"....and it's OK. 

Brené Brown



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Ruth Kudzi is not only an expert in coaching, psychology, and neuroscience, she is the CEO of Optimus Coaching Academy in London (where I got my coach credentials) AND she was my first 1:1 coach.  Her book will set you up for success. 

"Change doesn't happen for our bodies or our minds when we play it safe. Safe means safe results; it doesn't mean transformation." 

Ruth Kudzi




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The principles in this book by Shirzad Chamine are so powerful and pretty simple.  Within us we have two guides: The Sage who is wise and caring; and The Judge who is that critical voice that is constantly sabotaging our happiness.


"Most feelings of stress, anxiety, frustration, disappointment, regret, and guilt are the direct result of judging yourself, others, situations, or outcomes."


This book will help you learn to control The Judge and tap into your Sage through fun and easy mental fitness exercises. 


no time to read a book?

meditation for non-meditators I was totally skeptical about how sitting still and breathing could be helpful.  Trust me, friends, after you get past the squirming, it can be a life changer. 

Five minutes
of quiet time each day can help you begin to manage your thoughts.  It is an empowering gift to yourself. 

Any kind of quiet time will do....classical music, a walk in nature, fave praise music, quiet prayer.  Giving your mind a rest allows you to listen to what you truly want.

Oh...and I don't get paid for advertising these links or anything. 
It's just cool stuff that has helped me get my s**t together
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THE BASICS. The images in this video paint a picture of how we can look at our thoughts differently.  Totally helped me "get it".  

MORNING PRACTICE. I gotta say that this chick is like my new best friend. I dare you to do this one every morning for a week and see what happens in your life!

R-RATED.  Perfect for when you're having a sh*tty day at work. Find a place to hideout for this humorous and offensive stress-reliever.  It's been a client favorite. 

QUICK BREAK. Guided meditation is where a voice helps you get into it.  Find some calm in one minute. 

ON YOUR OWN. No guide on this one. Listen and breathe and focus on the music. Don't worry about doing it "right". 

VISUALIZE.  One of my favs, this one takes you on a lovely journey in nature through the eyes of a child. Wonderful way to start the day when you can't actually get outside. 

need additional support?

videos and movies that
teach and inspire

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 Insightful videos & classic ted talks

Brené & Oprah talk about the challenges of being your authentic self.  Dang!  Even THEY have problems with that!

Shirzad Chamine's at TedX Stanford.  Crazy smart guy who has done research on the neuroscience behind why we sabotage ourselves.  One of his first talks where he shares how his experiences helped him with his discovery. 

Find out more at

Lisa Nichols' TedX ten years ago. Her story will make you feel like you can do ANYTHING!  See all the cool stuff she's doing now at Lisa Nichols - Motivating The Masses.  This lady walks the walk!'s the have two wolves living inside you.  Learn from this Native legend about what it means to care for them.

Simon Sinek's classic "Start with Why" never get's old. Whether you're a leader in an organization, or simply a leader in your life, learn that you gotta have a "why".

Dewitt Jones shares his beautiful photography as an example of how just a tiny shift in perspective can change your view of the world.  His photos and his message are powerful.

Simon Sinek's classic "Start with Why" never get's old. Whether you're a leader in an organization, or simply a leader in your life, dig in to figure out your why.

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 full length movies:
clips and how to watch

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My fav all time learn-to-live-in-the-moment movie.  Have a tissue for both laughing and crying. Rated R for some sexy romps.


Not up for watching the whole movie?  Check out this life changing clip.  It is a spoiler but won't ruin the whole movie for ya if you decide to watch later. 

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Favorite movie of all time. Classic Shakespeare plays interwoven throughout, and lessons about surviving what life gives us and that somehow life turns out ok. 

Not up for watching the whole movie?  Check out this life changing clip.  It is a spoiler but won't ruin the whole movie for ya if you decide to watch later. 

More content is being added all the time.  Complete the contact form below if you have some favorite inspirational content you'd like to share. 
We are all in this together!

Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.


 -  Brené Brown

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I look forward to connecting with you! 

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